AMC 8 Prep Course

The Class

The AMC 8 Prep Course is a course that is designed to become the stepping stones for children learning competition math. Each week the students will be required to go to the weekly class held at ___ and will be given Lecture Notes for the class after it is done. The students will also be given a problem set which it is mandatory to do. The sets are designed to be very challenging for the students and will require dilligence and patience every week to do. The estimated homework for the class is ranges from person to person and will require a dedication from usually 2-5 hours per week.


Our course will be covering a wide variety of topics required to ace the AMC-8 Week 1 Solving Equations and Systems Week 2 Word Problems Week 3 Sequences and Series Week 4 Algebra Part 1 Week 5 Algebra Part 2 Week 6 Coordinates and Graphs Week 7 Triangles Week 8 Circles Week 9 Polygons and Three-Dimensional Geometry Week 10 Counting Week 11 Probability Week 12 Number Sense Week 13 Number Theory

Are You Ready?

This course is pitched for people with basic knowledge of the topics that will be covered in the curriculum of the course. For reference check these handouts that we will pass in the class Number Theory, here is a practice mock test Mock Test.